Don't Lose Your Social Security Benefits. Here Are 4 Ways It Could Happen

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More than 70 million people in the US rely on Social Security benefits or Supplemental Security Insurance to provide critical financial assistance. It takes a while to register for Social Security, but once you’re in the system, you should start receiving checks regularly each month

If you actively receive Social Security benefits, you need to be aware of the circumstances that could lead to termination or suspension of your Social Security checks. Below are the four major actions that can cause you to forfeit your Social Security benefits, and whether or not you can get them reinstated afterward.

For more, learn how much Social Security benefits are increasing in 2025  and how to apply for Social Security benefits for qualifying children.

You could lose Social Security benefits if your income changes

While you can still work and receive Social Security benefits, if you begin to make more than the annual income limit, your benefits may be reduced or paused completely in certain situations. The limits change depending on certain factors, like whether you’re under or over the age of 62 — the minimum retirement age. 

Below is an overview of the income limits imposed on specific benefits.

What are the limits for Supplemental Security Income?


Eligibility for SSI typically requires that you earn less than $1,971 per month from work. The limit is increased for couples, but if you exceed that limit, you may no longer be eligible for SSI. You should be notified of any benefit reduction or whether you become ineligible due to reaching the income limit. 

Note: For every $2 you earn from work, $1 will be reduced from your SSI payment. Working includes any job you have. You’re required to promptly report changes to your monthly income and living situation.

What are the income limits for Social Security Disability Insurance?

SSDI beneficiaries have more to work with when it comes to making money from work. If you get a job while receiving SSDI, you’ll be able to retain your benefits for up to nine months, which the Social Security Administration calls a “work trial period.” For 2024, any month you bring in over $1,110 in gross wages will count toward this nine-month trial period. Note that months don’t have to be consecutive, either, but within a rolling five-year period. During these nine months, there’s no limit on how much you can earn while retaining your benefits.

After your work trial period, you’ll enter into a 36-month “extended period of eligibility.” During this time, if you exceed the EPE earnings limit, you won’t qualify for your SSDI payment for that month. In 2024, the EPE limit is $1,550 per month or $2,590 for disability due to blindness. 

If you continue to earn over the limit after your EPE is up, your SSDI payments will cease completely, but if you can’t continue to work, you can restart your benefits.

Supplemental Security Income resource limits

In addition to an income limit, to be eligible for SSI, you need to fall under what the administration calls a “resource limit.” Resources that do count toward the limit include cash, bank accounts, stocks, mutual funds, US savings bonds, land, life insurance, personal property, vehicles and anything else you own that could be changed to cash and used for food or shelter, the administration said. 

Resources that do not count include the home you live in and the land it is on, one vehicle (if you or a member of your household use it for transportation), household goods and personal effects and life insurance policies with a combined face value of $1,500 or less.

To be eligible, the SSI resource limit is $2,000 for an individual and $3,000 for a couple. If you exceed that limit, you need to spend down your resources to be eligible. According to a recent study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 70,000 beneficiaries on average lose their benefits each year because they exceed the limit. Congress has proposed legislation that would, for example, raise the limit to $10,000 for individuals and $20,000 for married couples but so far, changes have not been signed into law.

Getting divorced could affect your Social Security benefits

Your marital status can and will affect your Social Security benefits, and that includes getting a divorce. A few things would prevent you from collecting your ex-spouse’s benefits:

  • You weren’t married for 10 years or more.
  • If you remarry, you won’t be able to get benefits from your previous marriage. This can change if your current marriage ends through divorce, annulment or the death of your partner. 
  • You qualify for benefits and the amount you receive would be more than your ex-spouse’s. 

You go to jail or prison

If you go to jail or prison, your Social Security benefits can be affected. If you’re incarcerated for more than 30 days, the administration may suspend your Social Security and SSI benefits. 

Social Security and Social Security Disability Insurance while incarcerated

If your benefits are suspended, you can request to have them restored for the following month after you’re released from jail or prison. Something to note is that even if your benefits are suspended while incarcerated, your spouse or children will continue to receive them as long as they remain eligible. 

Supplemental Security Income

While incarcerated, your SSI benefits will be suspended, but payments will resume when you’re released, and you won’t have to wait until the following month. Your payment amount will be determined by your release date and would only be a partial payment. 

If you’re in jail or prison for over 12 consecutive months, the administration will terminate your SSI benefits. When you’re released, you will need to reach out to the Social Security Administration and start a new application. 

For more, don’t miss the Social Security payment schedule and the 2025 Medicare changes you should know about
